knots to mph calculator
Quickly and accurately convert knots to miles per hour (mph) with our free online Knots to MPH Calculator. Perfect for sailors, pilots, and speed enthusiasts.
Easy Way to Convert knots to mph
One knot equals 1.15078 miles per hour. To convert knots to mph, simply multiply the number of knots by 1.15078. For example:
- 10 knots = 11.51 mph
- 20 knots = 23.02 mph
- 30 knots = 34.52 mph
Knots to mph formula
The mathematical formula for converting knots to mph is: Miles per hour (mph) = Knots × 1.15078
Knots to mph chart
30 knots to mph = 34.52 mph |
40 knots to mph = 46.03 mph |
8 knots to mph = 9.21 mph |
50 knots to mph = 57.54 mph |
20 knots to mph = 23.02 mph |
120 knots to mph = 138.09 mph |
60 knots to mph = 69.05 mph |
10 knots to mph = 11.51 mph |
35 knots to mph = 40.28 mph |
100 knots to mph = 115.08 mph |
15 knots to mph = 17.26 mph |
25 knots to mph = 28.77 mph |
150 knots to mph = 172.62 mph |
63 knots to mph = 72.50 mph |
21 knots to mph = 24.17 mph |
400 knots to mph = 460.31 mph |
Why is Knot Used Instead of MPH?
Knots remain the standard unit of speed measurement in maritime and aviation contexts for several practical reasons:
- Global Navigation: Knots directly relate to nautical miles, which are based on the Earth’s circumference. One nautical mile equals one minute of arc along a meridian, making navigation calculations more intuitive.
- International Standard: The maritime industry worldwide uses knots, ensuring clear communication between vessels and ports from different countries.
- Weather Patterns: Wind speeds and ocean currents are traditionally measured in knots, making it easier for sailors and pilots to correlate their speed with weather conditions.
How Fast is 25 Knots on a Boat?
25 knots converts to approximately 28.77 mph, which is considered a fairly fast speed for most recreational boats.
Also see; Speed Converters