Octal to Text Converter
If you need to convert octal values to plain text characters, our online Octal to Text Converter can be a handy tool. With just a few clicks, you can decode octal codes into human-readable text format.
How to Convert Octal to Text
The process of converting octal to text is straightforward. You simply enter the octal number or code into the converter’s input field, and it automatically translates the value into the corresponding text characters or letters.
For example, if you input the octal value 141, the Octal to Text Decoder will output the letter “a”. This is because the octal code 141 represents the decimal value 97, which is the ASCII code for the lowercase letter “a”.
Similarly, if you enter the octal code 162, the Octal to Character Converter will display the asterisk symbol (*), as 162 in the octal system corresponds to the decimal value 106 (ASCII code for *).
Benefits of Using Online Octal to Text Converter Tool
- Convenience: Instead of manually decoding octal values using charts or calculations, our online converter tool automates the process, saving you time and effort.
- Accuracy: The tool is designed to accurately translate octal codes to text, minimizing the risk of human error.
- Accessibility: With the online Octal to Plain Text Converter, you can decode octal values from anywhere, without the need to install any software.
- Versatility: Our online converter supports a wide range of octal inputs, allowing you to convert individual codes or entire strings from the Octal System to Text format.
Whether you’re a programmer, system administrator, or simply need to decode octal values for any reason, our Octal to Text Converter can be a valuable resource. Give it a try and experience the convenience of instantly translating octal codes to readable text characters or letters.
Octal to Text Table
Octal | Text |
000 | NUL |
001 | SOH |
002 | STX |
003 | ETX |
004 | EOT |
005 | ENQ |
006 | ACK |
007 | BEL |
010 | BS |
011 | HT |
012 | LF |
013 | VT |
014 | FF |
015 | CR |
016 | SO |
017 | SI |
020 | DLE |
021 | DC1 |
022 | DC2 |
023 | DC3 |
024 | DC4 |
025 | NAK |
026 | SYN |
027 | ETB |
030 | CAN |
031 | EM |
032 | SUB |
033 | ESC |
034 | FS |
035 | GS |
036 | RS |
037 | US |
040 | SP |
041 | ! |
042 | “ |
043 | # |
044 | $ |
045 | % |
046 | & |
047 | ‘ |
050 | ( |
051 | ) |
052 | * |
053 | + |
054 | , |
055 | – |
056 | . |
057 | / |
060 | 0 |
061 | 1 |
062 | 2 |
063 | 3 |
064 | 4 |
065 | 5 |
066 | 6 |
067 | 7 |
070 | 8 |
071 | 9 |
072 | : |
073 | ; |
074 | < |
075 | = |
076 | > |
077 | ? |
100 | @ |
101 | A |
102 | B |
103 | C |
104 | D |
105 | E |
106 | F |
107 | G |
110 | H |
111 | I |
112 | J |
113 | K |
114 | L |
115 | M |
116 | N |
117 | O |
120 | P |
121 | Q |
122 | R |
123 | S |
124 | T |
125 | U |
126 | V |
127 | W |
130 | X |
131 | Y |
132 | Z |
133 | [ |
134 | \ |
135 | ] |
136 | ^ |
137 | _ |
This table shows the octal values from 000 to 137 and their corresponding text representations.
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