GiB to GB | Gibibytes to Gigabytes Conversion

GiB to GB Calculator

Convert Gibibytes (GiB) to Gigabytes (GB) instantly with our free GiB to GB calculator.

How To Convert GiB to GB

To convert GiB to GB, multiply the number of Gibibytes by 1.074.

GiB to GB Formula

Here’s a simple GiB to GB conversion formula:

1 Gibibyte (GiB) = 1.074 Gigabytes (GB).

GiB to GB Conversions

1 GiB to GB = 1.073741824 GB
32 GiB to GB = 34.359738368 GB
100 GiB to GB = 107.3741824 GB
256 GiB to GB = 274.877906944 GB
200 GiB to GB = 214.7483648 GB
8 GiB to GB = 8.589934592 GB
4 GiB to GB = 4.294967296 GB
16 GiB to GB = 17.179869184 GB
2 GiB to GB = 2.147483648 GB
5 GiB to GB = 5.36870912 GB
10 GiB to GB = 10.73741824 GB
1000 GiB to GB = 1073.741824 GB
20 GiB to GB = 21.47483648 GB
30 GiB to GB = 32.21225472 GB
1024 GiB to GB = 1099.511627776 GB
128 GiB to GB = 137.438953472 GB


1. How many GiB in a GB?

1 GB = 0.931 GiB.

2. Are GiB and GB the same?

No, GiB and GB are not the same. GiB (Gibibyte) is slightly larger than GB (Gigabyte). 1 GiB = 1.074 GB. They use different base systems: GiB uses binary (base-2) while GB uses decimal (base-10).

3. Is GiB Gigabyte?

No, GiB is not Gigabyte. GiB stands for Gibibyte, while GB stands for Gigabyte. They are different units of digital storage measurement.

4. What is GiB and GB?

GiB (Gibibyte) and GB (Gigabyte) are units of digital storage. GiB uses binary measurement: 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes = 1,073,741,824 bytes while GB uses decimal measurement: 1 GB = 10^9 bytes = 1,000,000,000 bytes.

5. Difference between GiB and GB?

The main differences are:

  • GiB (Gibibyte) uses a binary system (base-2), whereas GB (Gigabyte) uses a decimal system (base-10).
  • GiB is typically used in computing and operating systems, while GB is more commonly used in marketing and for labeling storage devices.

6. Are GB bigger than MB?

Yes, GB (Gigabytes) are much bigger than MB (Megabytes). 1 GB = 1,000 MB. For example, 5 GB = 5,000 MB.

7. Is GiB the same as GB?

No, GiB and GB are different units. A Gibibyte (GiB) is about 7.4% larger than a Gigabyte (GB).

Also see; kib to gb Calculator