Convert cubic feet to gallons

cubic feet to gallons calculator

Effortlessly convert cubic feet to gallons with our easy-to-use online calculator. Enter your cubic feet value to instantly get the equivalent in gallons, ideal for water tank measurements, volume conversions, and more.

How to convert cubic feet to gallons

To convert cubic feet to gallons:

  1. Multiply the volume in cubic feet by 7.48052
  2. The result is the volume in gallons

For example, 1 cubic foot = 7.48052 gallons

Cubic feet to gallons formula

The formula to convert cubic feet to gallons is:

Gallons = Cubic Feet × 7.48052

This formula is based on the fact that 1 cubic foot is equal to 7.48052 gallons.

Cubic feet to gallons conversion chart

1.5 cubic feet to gallons = 11.22 gallons
100 cubic feet to gallons = 748.05 gallons
2 cubic feet to gallons = 14.96 gallons
108 cubic feet to gallons = 807.90 gallons
128 cubic feet to gallons = 957.51 gallons
4.5 cubic feet to gallons = 33.66 gallons
384 cubic feet to gallons = 2,872.52 gallons
8 cubic feet to gallons = 59.84 gallons
12 cubic feet to gallons = 89.77 gallons
1 cubic foot to gallons = 7.48 gallons

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