gallons to cubic feet calculator
Convert gallons to cubic feet quickly and accurately with our easy-to-use online calculator. Perfect for plumbing, construction, and liquid volume calculations. Enter any gallon value to get the precise cubic feet equivalent instantly. Free, fast, and no sign-up required.
How to convert gallons to cubic feet
To convert gallons to cubic feet, you can use the following conversion:
1 gallon ≈ 0.133681 cubic feet
To perform the conversion:
- Multiply the number of gallons by 0.133681
Gallons to cubic feet Conversion Table
27 gallons to cubic feet = 3.61 cu ft |
5 gallons to cubic feet = 0.67 cu ft |
55 gallons to cubic feet = 7.35 cu ft |
120 gallons to cubic feet = 16.04 cu ft |
3 gallons to cubic feet = 0.40 cu ft |
3000 gallons to cubic feet = 401.04 cu ft |
748 gallons to cubic feet = 99.99 cu ft |